Guess what! We got a new computer! Which means (if all goes as planned) we should be able to update here much more often and with much less hassle! Hurrah! I know there are a lot of people who have been secretly reading our posts and were going crazy wondering the fate of this little blog, but rest assured clandestine readers! All is well on
dykehousesensei and we're going to try and post more often.
Speaking of things going well, there are a few things besides a new computer I should mention. Firstly, as many of you know, we had a great time back in Michigan visiting friends and family in December. We were fortunate to have a generous holiday, but it seems no matter how long our break, it's never long enough--we miss you guys! The bright side to being back in Japan is 1) We've come back with loads of pictures to keep us chipper, 2) We have a job! And I got promoted!, and 3) We get to eat food like this:

By food I'm of course referring to what's on Chad's plate, not Chad himself (though he is pretty sweet!). Around a month and a half ago Chad found a restaurant near
Oji Zoo in Kobe called
Nanjaro?. The restaurant itself is very clean, and it has a really nice atmosphere and super friendly staff. On top of that, the food is very fresh and very delicious. The two times we went together, we ordered
katsukare, which is basically curry and rice with fried pork cutlet on top. The curry is probably the best I've ever had in Japan, with a nice texture (not too soupy, not too thick) and pieces of beef that fall apart in your mouth. And despite being deep fried, the pork cutlet tastes really light. Looking forward to a future date there sometime soon!
The other thing I wanted to mention is that this is going to be a good year! You may have already known it, but I thought I'd say something just in case. It's the year of the dragon, which means it's supposed to be a successful and happy year. I've got a good feeling, and I feel encouraged with all of the decorations hanging around our neighborhood.

There are a lot of changes and challenges coming, and scary as that might seem, it's also pretty exciting, don't you think?