Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sakura at Starbucks


Spring is on everyone's mind! It doesn't help that stores are rife with advertisements and products showing cherry blossoms. Not to be left out, Starbucks has introduced a whole line of sakura products, ranging from mugs and teddy bears, to steamers, frappuccinos and cakes.

I usually don't frequent Starbucks too often, as it's quite similar to the ones back home and just as expensive (but for smaller sizes!). However, I can't resist when Western franchises "glocalize" and create local specialties! I met a woman from my gym and decided to try the Sakura Steamer.

The verdict? Not bad. I liked the actual drink well enough, but the special pink toppings tasted a bit like plastic. I decided I'd stick with a Chai Tea Latte in the future--but that didn't prevent me from bringing a little sakura home to Chad!

Sakura Sweet Pan (Pan is pronounced Pahn, and it means "bread")

Chad thought the cupcake was okay (it tasted a little soapy). It sure looked pretty though--it even had a real flower on top!

Is everything filled with anko, or sweet bean paste here? :-)

Our Sakura experience at Starbucks may have been less than amazing, but seeing the real cherry blossoms is going to be great! We are eagerly anticipating the season along with the picnics and sunshine.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey Lady! Nice new layout :) haha

  3. Yumi dragged us (Ann & I) in there on sunday and force fed me some of her sakura shake (Frappa-whatsit). Not bad, I must say. Super thick. She also bought one of those cup cakes, I'm less than keen on the sakura flavored bean paste within (tastes like a river smells to me), but the cake part was good.
