Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nakagawara Station

Our nearest station is easy to miss. It's quaint, quiet, and quite pretty on sunny days:

Alongside the station are these paintings:

Who wouldn't want to ride a magical, colorful, inviting train like the one painted here?

The rail crossing on the main road before making a right to get to the station.

We usually don't use Nakagawara station because it takes just about as long being on time and waiting for the train as it does to bike to our next nearest station (plus that saves us a few yen). On rainy days or super busy days, though, it's our definite go-to. We'll miss awesome public transportation when we move back to the states, but it's better than missing all of you! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love these photos ~ That mural is gorgeous. All your stories and posts are so interesting to check out. Glad you commented over at my blog so I could find yours. Hope all's well! :) Brooke
