Saturday, January 7, 2012

Do the Dishes!

When we got back to Japan earlier this week, we were happy to be greeted with a sparkling clean apartment (it actually smelled newer and nicer than when we first moved in!). In a desire to keep up with cleanliness, we decided to do the dishes as soon as we finish using them. And so far, we've been doing a pretty good job! Every time we're washing them, we say to each other, "Let's keep up with this!"

A clean sink is a happy one!

And so, without intending to, we made a new year's resolution. I always seem to be making resolutions, but while we were at it for new years, we decided to make another one. The entire time we've lived in Japan, we haven't decorated our apartments much because 1) there isn't much you can really do with a tiny apartment, and 2) we always told ourselves we weren't going to stay very long. Although those things still hold true, we figure we can at least do a few things to make our apartment a bit more comfortable while we're here.

We've hung our weekly meal plan board, a super cute clock Chad's mom got us from a 300 yen store when she visited last May, and a calendar. (Yes, I know we need a new calendar and that it's time to take down the Christmas touches. Actually, while in the states I meant to print this cute, free-to-print owl calendar, but somehow I forgot!).

We've also started to put up more pictures, like these fun ones we made at Oddsides during the Ugly Sweater Party when we were home. We had a few up, but we've decided it's time for more!

Other resolutions include being healthier, reading more for fun (I've started a list of books read in 2012 on my pinterest), doing more artwork, going for walks as often as possible, and appreciating every day! Do you have any resolutions?

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